3 best free DevOps certifications and training courses

DevOps is currently one of the hottest areas in the IT sector. The demand for good DevOps engineers and software developers is growing exponentially, and there are not enough DevOps professionals in the market to support that demand.

DevOps engineers are experts in managing the entire software development life cycle. This is why these experts are known by this moniker.


What is DevOps?

DevOps is a collection of concepts and practices that arose from an agile and lean approach to operations. It refers to the collaboration of software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops) teams to increase productivity, automate infrastructure, and continuously measure application performance. All of this allows for the delivery of more software solutions in a shorter period of time.

The DevOps team is more responsive to market demands and produces products on a larger scale. Instead of hand-coding software and configuring infrastructure, they work with configuration management code that specifies how everything should be built.

One of the most significant changes that the DevOps team will have to implement is the discipline of monitoring and optimizing application performance in near real-time.


Software companies are competing to develop new and exciting products or fixes for their customers. Software development begins with a single developer or a team of developers writing code for new products, features, bug fixes, and so on. In a non-DevOps environment, a developer will not know if the code works until it is deployed. Here are a few of the best DevOps certifications and training courses.

1. Pragra

Pragra is a cross between a consulting firm and a coding school that a lot of people go to. It gives you the knowledge you need to succeed in the real world. Mastering DevOps Tools 2.0 is one of his best courses. During this 60-hour hybrid boot camp, you’ll learn everything  there is to know about the development cycle.

Because Pragra focuses more on the IT industry, mastering DevOps Tools 2.0 can qualify you as a DevOps Engineer. If you want to advance your career quickly, enroll in Pragra. It offers excellent career advice and services, ensuring that graduates are immediately employed in the technology industry.

2. KeepCoding

Because of its excellent professors and diverse program offerings, KeepCoding should be one of your first choices for studying DevOps. KeepCoding has excellent DevOps content in addition to mobile app development. A two-year graduate program in programming and technology is also available.

These coding boot camps provide knowledgeable professors who can assist you in finding employment. At KeepCoding, the emphasis is on professional development.

3. Codesmith

Codesmith is a great DevOps bootcamp. You must pass a preliminary test, two technical and non-technical conversations, and apply to Codesmith. To prepare for these programs, you will also need to take several prerequisite courses. Once you have it, you can use it to access any of Codesmith’s fantastic programs.

Graduates have a good chance of finding a job in technology after completing their training. Even if you are not hired at a higher level, you should have no trouble finding work in mid-level software engineering.


DevOps is a set of practices and methodologies that encourage developers and operations to collaborate. DevOps training and certifications aid in faster innovation, better responsiveness to business and market needs, improved collaboration, and more frequent feature and new code releases.

DevOps begins with a new way of thinking, a slew of new tools, and a little skill polishing in between. The DevOps methodology cannot be implemented without a set of tools that assist in automating and monitoring cross-functional workflows as well as final software delivery.