How To Fix the Error Establishing a Redis Connection – Only on Plugin Updates

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is widely used to accelerate the performance of web applications. Many WordPress websites leverage Redis to enhance the speed and efficiency of their operations. However, encountering the “Error Establishing a Redis Connection” message, especially during plugin updates, can be frustrating for site owners. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide a comprehensive guide on how to resolve it.

Understanding the Error Message

Understanding the Error Message

The “Error Establishing a Redis Connection” message typically occurs when WordPress is unable to connect to the Redis server. This can happen for various reasons, including misconfigurations, server issues, or conflicts with other plugins or themes.

Possible Causes of the Error during Plugin Updates

1. Misconfigured Redis Settings

Incorrect configuration settings in the WordPress files or the Redis server itself can lead to connection errors. This includes incorrect host, port, or authentication credentials.

2. Redis Server Unavailability

If the Redis server is down or experiencing connectivity issues, WordPress will be unable to establish a connection, resulting in the error message.

3. Plugin or Theme Conflict

In some cases, certain plugins or themes may conflict with Redis, causing connection issues specifically during plugin updates.

4. Insufficient Server Resources

If the server running WordPress does not have enough resources (such as memory or processing power), it may struggle to establish a connection to the Redis server.

Resolving the “Error Establishing a Redis Connection” during Plugin Updates

1. Check Redis Configuration Settings

   – Navigate to your WordPress root directory and locate the `wp-config.php` file.

   – Verify that the Redis configuration settings are accurate, including the host, port, and authentication credentials.



   define(‘WP_REDIS_HOST’, ‘’);

   define(‘WP_REDIS_PORT’, ‘6379’);

   define(‘WP_REDIS_PASSWORD’, ‘your_redis_password’);


2. Verify Redis Server Availability

Access the server where Redis is installed and ensure that it is running and accessible. You can use the command `redis-cli ping` to test the connection.

3. Test Redis Connection with a Script

Create a PHP script with the following code to test the connection to the Redis server:



   $redis = new Redis();

   $redis->connect(‘’, 6379);

   echo “Connection to Redis server successful!”;



   Run this script on your server. If the connection is successful, you will see the message “Connection to Redis server successful!”

4. Check for Plugin or Theme Conflicts

Temporarily deactivate all plugins and switch to a default WordPress theme (such as Twenty Twenty-One). Then, attempt to update the problematic plugin. If the update succeeds, reactivate plugins and themes one by one to identify the conflicting element.

5. Increase Server Resources

If the server resources are insufficient, consider upgrading your hosting plan or optimizing your server settings to meet the requirements of both WordPress and Redis.

6. Monitor Redis Logs

Check the Redis server logs for any error messages or warnings that may indicate the cause of the connection issue.

Encountering the “Error Establishing a Redis Connection” message during plugin updates can be a perplexing issue, but with careful troubleshooting and attention to detail, it can be resolved. By examining Redis configurations, ensuring server availability, and identifying any conflicting elements, site owners can regain full functionality and enjoy the benefits of Redis integration in their WordPress websites. Remember to always backup your files and database before making any significant changes to ensure the safety of your website’s data.